About Me



I’ve been Line Producing for the past decade and have the most amazing time doing it. I enjoy traveling and bringing productions to new and exciting places.

I’ve been told that I am unflappable and I never shy away from a challenge. I love leading a staff of creatives and producers, guiding them throughout the production process and thinking outside the box. I not only produce Live Action shoots but also Virtual Productions which you can find a few on the Experiential Page. I’m always pushing and learning new skills and believe that you can teach and be taught simultaneously. I’m not afraid to tell someone “I don’t know” and or my favorite “I’ll find out” and feel confident leading and managing all sorts of teams.

I’m passionate about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion having started a group called “What’s Next” to provide a safe place for BiPOC within the workplace environment to implement internal structural change for the last 6 years. I’ve also put in place hiring practices on productions that I’m either directly or indirectly a part of to ensure we are diversifying our crews on set and in post production.


Oh, did you want more…

I’m a Virgo, a Jersey girl through and through, disco fries at a diner late night, or taylor ham egg and cheese are my jams. Granted depending on who you talk to it’s pork roll. I love animals (proof in photo above), and wine. Depending on the weather or my mood you can find me with crazy curly hair or a straight do (side photo), ya never know what you’re gonna get!

I am African American and Italian and the oldest of 5 kids (I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters). Apparently, in pre school my mom caught me assigning roles to my classmates, and “bossing” them around. She wasn’t surprised when I found my calling as a Producer.

Lastly, I enjoy people who aren’t afraid to have meaningful conversations, let’s get deep, I am a complete open book. What else do you want to know?